Progressives aren't supposed to believe in banning abortion so there's no need for exceptions
by digby
I love Move-On, but this isn't good:

You know, I don't actually think progressives should be talking about which exceptions should be restored. We don't think politicians should be in the business of banning abortion in the first place. The last I heard we all had a right to it under the constitution.
There are an awful lot of people other than rape survivors who will be affected if the GOP platform is ever enacted into law. Incest survivors, teen-agers, older women with grown kids already, poor women, in fact .... one third of all women in the US. Probably best to keep it simple and advocate for all of them, rape survivors included.
Update: 8/23
Move-On changed their petition language. It now states:
Romney and Ryan: "Remove the abortion ban for rape survivors--and all women--from the Republican Party platform."