What Krugman Says

by tristero

Complete with sly Coen brothers reference in the title, Krugman makes much the same point I've been making, that contrary to all the rejoicing amongst the punditocracy that finally we'll have a Real Debate about the future of this country, Ryan's nomination to the vice presidency is, at best, a... well, let's let Dr. Krugman tell it:

What Mr. Ryan actually offers, then, are specific proposals that would sharply increase the deficit, plus an assertion that he has secret tax and spending plans that he refuses to share with us, but which will turn his overall plan into deficit reduction.
If this sounds like a joke, that’s because it is. 
But tell us what you really think:
So will the choice of Mr. Ryan mean a serious campaign? No, because Mr. Ryan isn’t a serious man — he just plays one on TV. 