When Does Pregnancy Begin? You Decide!
by tristero
On abortion, this is where we are today:
A new law was signed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer on Thursday that has abortion advocates up in arms. The new law, titled Women’s Health and Safety Act deems a woman pregnant 2 weeks before conception.
Actually, I suspect the law Brewer signed is far too liberal. Let's discuss some basic biology here:
A woman has fertile eggs in her womb. Even before puberty, a woman has the potential for fertile eggs in her womb. Therefore, a woman is always in a state of pregnancy. Therefore, one can logically argue that a woman actually becomes pregnant two weeks before her own conception.
But for Christians, this clearly finesses the issue, and demeans women by minimizing the truly essential nature of her pregnant state. After all, women existed as a twinkle in the Eye of God from the very, very beginning - in 4004 BC, of course. Which means that all women have been pregnant two weeks before the world began - i.e., roughly Christmas, 4005 BC.
But this is a democracy, people, views differ. So let's vote! What do you think?
Is a woman pregnant:
A. From 2 weeks before conception (the extreme liberal view)?
B. From two weeks before the moment of her own conception (the moderate position)?
C. From two weeks before the beginning of all time (the Christian view)?
Before commenting, remember: Honest people can disagree so let's keep the conversation civil and respect all sides in this serious debate. And always, be as thoughtful as you can be on this important subject.