I don't know what the "Tax Exept" office is, but obviously this means that conservatives are going to be targeted for death panels under their Obamacare mandate. Or something. Whatever it is, it's superbad.
"We are in the midst of the worst Washington scandal since Watergate."
Well, there was that time when Ronald Reagan lied to our faces about breaking the law and selling arms to our enemies in order to illegally fund our "anti-communist" pals in Nicaraugua, but although Noonan was working for him at the time, she was so distracted by his sexy toes that I guess she didn't notice. (And I can't help but laugh at the fact that despite Peggy's eight long years of hysterical apoplexy on a daily basis, none of the Clinton scandals made the cut..)
I'm going to guess that as much as liberals are convinced that these scandals are going away, that may be wishful thinking. There is nothing the conservatives love more than being martyrs.