"Burn them, burn them both!"

"Burn them, burn them both!"

by digby

I saw this yesterday and honestly thought she was joking. Apparently not:
#Kate can do no wrong! Now the royals can stop pretending they were fine with a girl 1st! http://t.co/0thIsxgPwy
— Tina Brown (@TheTinaBeast) July 22, 2013
"As soon as William really kind of emerged into the public eye, you had this wholesome prince and his choice of Kate Middleton turns out to be absolutely impeccable. I mean, once again, she does the perfect thing," Brown said during an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." "I mean, although there's the constitutional change that we can now have a girl as the first born to be the monarch, nonetheless, she does the traditional thing, and she gives us a prince. She gives a king. I mean, let's face it, the Queen will be thrilled. She and the Duke of Edinburgh, much as they would have said they would have been fine with a girl first born, they really did want a boy and they got one."

I'm sure he'll have more to say about it tonight, but for right now the only response to that is from John Oliver:

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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