Heads we win, tails you lose

Heads we win, tails you lose

by digby

Greg Sargent reports on a letter signed by a third of Senate Democrats expressing support for Janet Yellen for Fed chair. iI's a very nice letter, no ultimatums, just simply an saying that Yellen is a highly qualified choice and they like her.

Here's the response:
According to a person familiar with the situation, the White House has not made a decision and probably won’t until the fall; the White House also viewed the letter as counterproductive and that some Senators said they would support Summers if he is the pick, the source adds.

I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt here and assume they mean it's "counterproductive" because the Republicans will recoil in horror at confirming anyone the liberal faction supports. This has not not historically ever been an issue with Fed appointments, but whatever. Maybe this wrecking crew will decide its time and see a woman as a perfect target even though their reputation with that half of the population is already badly damaged.

But really, did liberals fall off the arugula truck this morning? If that's the message, we're being played. This administration has shown over and over and over again that if liberals don't make a huge fuss they will always take the path of least resistance. Now they say that if we make a huge fuss it will poison the well? How convenient.

The only way liberals could be expected to strategically stand down in a situation like this would be if they trusted the administration. And when it comes to women's issues, they would be idiots to do it. That's how we got the Stupak debacle in the health care bill.

I'll take my chances with the idea the Obama doesn't want "the first black president and staunch protector of the Old Boys Network" on his tombstone and push him hard, publicly and often. If he doesn't care about his legacy, there's not much we can do. You'd think he'd care a little bit about the Party that helped him get where is today though. They do need the support and activism of the half of the population that is sick and tired of seeing these guys promote their pals over more qualified women.
