It really is time to raise Social Security benefits

It really is time to raise Social Security benefits

by digby

... and a couple of Senators are on it:

Sens. Tom Harkin and Mark Begich will be given a national audience tonight on The Ed Show.5 p.m. 
We can embolden these Social Security champions by making sure millions of progressives tune in to learn about the proposals. That'll also make it clear to other senators that when they step up to strengthen Social Security, we'll have their backs. 

Senators Harkin (D-IA) and Begich (D-AK) have given us something to fight for. Stand with them by joining Social Security Works and Democracy for America in a petition calling on their colleagues to join them. 
It’s important to sit up and take notice when Senators step out and introduce bills that would increase Social Security benefits at a time when all the other pillars of our retirement security are coming up short.
What they’re proposing is simple:
Sound good to you? Tell them you agree by signing the petition now!

This really does need to be done and it won't happen by magic. We must start the drumbeat and keep it up as long as it takes. This is where it starts.
