The Iron Lady on steroids

The Iron Lady on steroids

by digby
You can see the ambition rolling off of Cheney in waves. She's going to run at some point, I have no doubt. And she makes Palin look like a frisky little kitten by comparison. She is the most dangerous woman in America. -- Moi, 5/30/2010
Looks like she's ready to make her move:
A young Dick Cheney began his first campaign for the House in this tiny village — population 1,600 — after the state’s sole Congressional seat finally opened up. But nowadays, his daughter Liz does not seem inclined to wait patiently for such an opening.

Ms. Cheney, 46, is showing up everywhere in the state, from chicken dinners to cattle growers’ meetings, sometimes with her parents in tow. She has made it clear that she wants to run for the Senate seat now held by Michael B. Enzi, a soft-spoken Republican and onetime fly-fishing partner of her father.

But Ms. Cheney’s move threatens to start a civil war within the state’s Republican establishment, despite the reverence many hold for her family.

Mr. Enzi, 69, says he is not ready to retire, and many Republicans say he has done nothing to deserve being turned out.

Why should she care? She needs to get her seat so she can run for president. I don't think she's going to let some hurt feelings get in her way. She's hard as nails.

For the definitive take, you must read this piece from Teddy Partridge, called, "Your Daddy’s a Mean Drunk Who Shoots Friends in the Face, and Your Momma Writes Dirty Books, So — Why Not Run for Senate?"
