California Republicans think bringing Rick Perry to speak for them is a good idea, by @DavidOAtkins

California Republicans think bringing Rick Perry to speak for them is a good idea

by David Atkins

How out to lunch is the California Republican Party? They actually think bringing Rick Perry to town is a good idea:

Seemingly ready and raring for a second shot at the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has accepted the top speaking slot at the California Republican Party’s fall convention in Anaheim this fall.

Perry will speak to more than 1,000 members on the future of the party, focusing on next year’s midterm elections and the impending race for the presidency.

While California Republicans are certainly the minority in the state (they trail Democrats by 13 percentage points), the event is the nation’s largest state GOP gathering attracting state activists, donors and officials.
If California Republicans wanted to remind the voters that they don't share California values, the best way they could do it is by bringing in the arch-conservative from Texas.

The Texan economy is a hollow mess of low wages, poor education, high poverty wages and flimsy safety nets. The California economy, meanwhile, is resurgent after voters gave Democrats a 2/3 supermajority in the statehouse. Yet Republicans are intent on trying to convince America and California of how well they've run Texas into the ground, and how much the rest of us should want that for ourselves.

Seems like a great bet.
