Lieberman, we hardly knew ye

Lieberman, we hardly knew ye

by digby

Villagers rejoice

Liberals and TV producers are already salivating over the thought of outspoken Cory Booker becoming the junior senator from New Jersey.

But if he agrees to become the go-to counter voice against camera-friendly Republicans like Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz — an opportunity Elizabeth Warren passed up to avoid violating the unwritten rule that a freshman should neither be seen or heard — some warn that his Senate career could be doomed.
"Nonetheless, most agree Booker will quickly take up the role of party
spokesman. “I think he will become a voice that the national party will utilize.A young urban mayor who tries to reach across the aisle — that will be a value to moving the party’s agenda forward,” said former New Jersey Democratic State Committee Chairman and Assemblyman John Wisniewski.

Eventhulibrul Cory Booker agrees ...
