I Read The News Today, Ha Ha - And, Oh Boy, Too by tristero

I Read The News Today, Ha Ha - And Oh Boy, Too

by tristero

Now this is funny:

“It only takes one with passion — look at Rosa Parks, Lech Walesa, Martin Luther King,” said Representative Ted Yoho of Florida, one of the rank-and-file House Republicans who have risen up to challenge their party’s leadership over whether to confront the Senate and President Obama with their demands to cut off funding for the president’s health care law. “People with passion that speak up, they’ll have people follow them because they believe the same way, and smart leadership listens to that.”
Yes, of course, this rhetoric is hilariously insane. But don't kid yourself. It cannot be ignored. That was one serious mistake we made from before Reagan up until around 2003/2004, refusing to vigorously confront tit for tat the far right's biggest idiocies. As a result, the crowd that believes that only kind of abortion a woman should have access to is one done with a coat hangar successfully branded themselves as "pro-life" and are vigorously pushing on numerous fronts to restrict a woman's access to reproductive decisions. And thus, the crowd that believes that scientific fact begins and ends with a collection of texts culled from nomadic tribes over 2000 crafted the idiocy known as "intelligent design" creationism which has all but shut down the teaching of evolution in many areas of this country, and stunted the education of American children.

Yes, like it or not, someone is going to have to confront this narcissistic nut job, or at the very least the others that follow. Otherwise, people will really start to given them the benefit of a doubt.

Sure, most normal Americans may never fully buy that opposing John Boehner is an act of undaunted courage comparable to defying bullets, whips, and billy clubs to stand up for civil rights and dignity, but so what? The point is to create enough doubt about the wisdom of Obamacare to fan a controversy where none exists and gain political leverage.

So yeah, let's all laugh. But let's also take this shit very, very seriously.
