He's just calling it like he sees it

He's just calling it like he sees it

by digby

Nah, no racism in the GOP:

“The law is going to kick the Democrats in the butt. If it hurts a bunch of college kids [that are] too lazy to get up off their bohonkas and go get a photo ID, so be it. If it hurts a bunch of whites, so be it...if it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it.” Update: Ed Kilgore notes that this yahoo is just some low level nobody who is probably getting more attention than he deserves. But he notes that there is something worth pointing out:
...Yelton said something in his defense that we keep hearing so often from conservatives that I think it’s worth paying a bit of attention:
Yelton told a North Carolina radio station Thursday that the “Daily Show” had edited his interview in such a way that his comments were taken out of context. In the interview on voter ID laws, Yelton had criticized “lazy black people that wants the government to give them everything,” and told correspondent Aasif Mandvi that one of his “best friends” is black.
How could that comment possibly be taken “out of context?” What’s the “context” that could make it non-racist? It’s really getting to the point where the anti-anti-racism mania on the Right is convincing people that if they don’t say “I’m a racist,” then calling them out for racist comments is unfair, if not an actual example of “playing the race card” and hence racism itself. This is a particularly kind of twisted illogic that does indeed need to be exposed.
