Worst analogy of the decade

Worst analogy of the decade

by digby

Ross Douthat:

Like the Bush administration in Iraq, the White House seems to have invaded the health insurance marketplace with woefully inadequate postinvasion planning, and let the occupation turn into a disaster of hack work and incompetence.
Yes, except for all the actual human carnage, torture and death, it's exactly the same. Good insight.

Once again, I'm struck by how the right sees Obamacare in such violent terms. I thought I was immune to how weird these people are, but I still have things to learn. These are people who valorize our out of control gun violence and cheer on any war the nation decides to join. But affordable health care is a fundamental threat to life and liberty. Ok.

And you have to love this:
"... somewhere there must be a tech-world David Petraeus capable of stabilizing HealthCare.gov."
Always looking for a hero ....

Update: To be fair to Douthat, he does admit that these exchanges are basically a conservative idea and their failure will make conservative health care solutions look ba. He thinks we'll end up getting some sort of early Medicare buy in and a medicaid expansion in that event which he sees as a terrible outcome. I don't think he should worry. if this doesn't work we'll just go back to the conservative status quo --- letting people go broke and die. He needn't worry.
