Taser in handcuffs: it happens every day

Taser in handcuffs

by digby

It happens every day:

A mother in Pennsylvania is threatening to sue after officers shocked her 14-year-old son in the face with a Taser while he was handcuffed.

Mother Marissa Sargeant showed WCAU graphic photos of what the boy’s face looked like after he was arrested with an older relative for retail theft at a local Walmart.

“What he did was wrong,” she admitted. “He was coerced by a 19-year-old. He does know better.”

According to Bucks County District Attorney David Heckler, Tullytown officers fired a Taser and hit the boy in the face when he escaped from their police cruiser and began to flee. The district attorney asserted that the 14-year-old was not able to stop his face from hitting the pavement because he was handcuffed, causing the bruising seen in the photos.

Heckler said that the officers were forced to use the Taser on the child because they were “fearing for his safety,” WCAU reported.

Yes, it's always for their own good.

The kid was in handcuffs. When you shoot someone who is in handcuffs full of electricity they cannot break their fall when they go down screaming in pain. And they always go down screaming in pain. I've seen dozens of videos that show people falling right on their faces with reports of broken teeth and bones.

This, however, looks excessive even under those circumstances. So, it appears they not only tasered him, they beat him too. You have to wonder if that happened while he was in handcuffs as well.

The alleged crime he committed that supposedly justified all this was shoplifting. This kid needs to learn that if you want to get away with stealing you need to be a white guy in a suit who steals millions. They never get tasered.
