Who says the GOP isn't the party of ideas anymore?
by digby
Here's a handy list of possible GOP healthcare reforms:
- Repeating the phrase “you can keep your current doctor” over and over until something happens
- Loosening regulations to allow Americans to ship ill and injured family members to cheaper doctors overseas
- Whatever the opposite of tyranny is
- Allowing sick Americans to choose how they exhaust their life savings on a single medical bill, even if it’s out of plan
- A true market-based solution—perhaps a convenient website—where uninsured people would pay for their own health insurance from private providers
- $2,500 cash incentive to the first person who cures cancer
- A health care law that won’t allow the disgrace of another Benghazi
- Unsettling language and several ominous-looking graphs labeled “Obamacare” followed by a breezy smile and soothing, unspecific words
Yes, that's from The Onion.
Notice they didn't include the one real GOP proposal: tort reform. It's just too ridiculous.