Is this creepy or awesome? It depends on your perspective, by @DavidOAtkins

Is this creepy or awesome? It depends on your perspective

by David Atkins

Amazon Prime Air, drone package delivery system, was unveiled on 60 Minutes last night. Watch the video here:

Whether you see this as amazing or terrifying will depend largely on your point of view. Obviously, there will be a lot of kinks and hassles to be worked out.

But the important point, I think, is that this and much more like it is going to be ubiquitous in the near-to-medium future. The air is eventually going to be swarming with such machines. And yes, the potential for outrageous privacy abuse in both the public and private sector is going to be high.

Fighting against drones as a general class of machines is going to well-nigh impossible. The future is going to belong to them one way or another. The important thing for progressives is going to be to establish the rules of privacy and warfare that dictate their responsible use in both the public and private sectors.
