"It's time for you to leave"

"It's time for you to leave"

by digby

Update: Never mind. It's an actor making a point.

A nasty little Google boy gets mad and says what he really thinks:

"Why don't you go to a city that can afford it? This is a city for the right people who can afford it. You can't afford it? You can leave. I'm sorry, get a better job. It's time for you to leave. "

I love San Francisco. I used to live there, went to school there. But people like this are ruining it, I'm afraid.

This attitude very much reflects the thinking of far more 1 percenters than you might imagine. On some level I think they know they don't deserve the outlandish sums they "earn" in these elite jobs and have to convince themselves that they are getting rich because they work so much harder and are simply more deserving than those who make less money. The only way they can successfully rationalize their good fortune is to attack the characters of those who aren't doing as well.

The Google nerds are actually amateurs in this department:

Today, numerous Philadelphia protesters from groups including Occupy Philly, Americans United for Change, Philadelphia AFL-CIO, Fight for Philly, SEIU PA State Council, Protect Your Care, Keystone Progress, Moveon.org, NCPSSM, Progress Now, and AFSCME demonstrated at the Wharton School for Business at the University of Pennsylvania after Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) canceled his speech there, apparently afraid of dissident audiences.

As the hundreds of protesters entered the Wharton School and chanted about economic justice, a number of students appeared on the balcony above. These students began chanting in unison, “Get a job! Get a job!”

While the students who jeered the protesters certainly do not necessarily represent all Wharton students, it’s important to understand the context of the elite status they likely either come from or graduate into. Wharton graduates much of the nation’s corporate elite, with the median starting salary for an MBA graduate being $145,000 — six times the poverty level for a family of four.

The school’s Board of Overseers is staffed with with multiple Goldman Sachs executives and high-ranking employees of a wide variety of financial firms. Meanwhile, it’s Graduate Executive Board is staffed with senior employees of Bank of America, Blackstone Financial Management, and PMC Bank. Wharton’s endowment is $888 million, greater than that of many large public universities. Essentially, the students jeering the protesters represented the future financial elite.