QOTD: Keeping it all in perspective

QOTD: Keeping it all in perspective

by digby

This is what I'll never understand:

How is it possible that anyone could believe that a mechanism to buy private health insurance is comparable to death camps? Twisted doesn't even begin to describe it.

Meanwhile, check out the latest defense of the Duck guy and his stupid comments.

In December 1955, Rosa Parks took a stand against an unjust societal persecution of black people, and in December 2013, Robertson took a stand against persecution of Christians,” wrote Bayne in an email to supporters.

“What Parks did was courageous,” said Bayne. “What Mr. Robertson did was courageous too.”

It's only early afternoon here but I think it's time for a little egg nog, don't you? Oy ...

Update: Roy has a doozy from Jonah Goldberg, who evidently looks in the mirror and sees some combination of Stephen Sagal and Dirty Harry. Oh Dear God. Forget the egg, just give me the nog ...


It's annual holiday fundraising time ...
