The 2013 I missed

The 2013 I missed

by digby

This is how people who don't care about politics see the world:

I am not putting them down for this. It's perfectly understandable that people have other interests, particularly when politics are as uninspiring as they are right now. And Mandela is at the top, so that says something. But notice that politics does come through elsewhere in the form of entertainment --- which is the main reason the right wing hates Hollywood so much. (Not that they should. Gun culture has a lot to be grateful to Hollywood for.)

I confess that I'm clueless about some of the stuff mentioned there, so even media junkies like me are in our own silos, seeing the world from my own chosen perspective. When I was a kid it was very different. Mass media was a few magazines, the local newspaper and three TV networks. We were all reading and watching the same thing whether we liked it or not. I guess that at least partially explains the huge pushback against conformity by the baby boom during the 60s. It really was boring ...

It's annual holiday fundraiser time ...