Mabel's story

Mabel's story

by digby

Oh no, here comes another shocking story about government malfeasance and illegality. Oh wait, sorry. It's actually a beautiful story  by Glenn Greenwald about his rescue of a pregnant dog on the streets of Rio and how he and his partner added her to his already large pack of rescue dogs and personally brought her pups to new homes he found for them in the US.

Glenn is a friend and I knew this story already. He had a very tough time giving up those puppies. Until now, I didn't know exactly why:

Oh dear God ...

Read the whole story it's adorable. And so are the puppies. Glenn, the hard charging investigative journalist and civil liberties activist, concludes with this:
Of course, when you rescue or adopt a dog, you do great things for them. But the dogs you rescue do even greater things for you. It’s not just that it’s a deeply gratifying experience to save a loving and innocent creature from a life of untold hardship, though it is that. Even more, each dog emotionally touches you in profound ways that stay with you for life. They each teach you something new about yourself and the world. The dogs you keep become the most loyal companions for life. But the ones you rescue and find homes for leave their own deep and important mark on your life.

David and I have fostered and found homes for numerous other abandoned and abused dogs since then. We never see it as charity, but rather as opportunity. That’s because whatever you do for a dog, they end up doing so much more for you.
Animals keep us human.
