The War between the Tea Partiers

The War between the Tea Partiers

by digby

Right Wing Watch caught a recent South Sarolina GOP Senate debate
Over Martin Luther King, Jr. Day weekend, the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition held a convention that included a lively debate between Bright and his three fellow Tea Party candidates vying for the chance to face Graham in a runoff.

Perhaps the most memorable candidate at the debate was Bill Connor, an Army veteran and former lieutenant governor candidate, who spent the whole debate waving a pocket copy of the Constitution.

We put together a highlight reel of Connor’s commentary during the debate, including his assertions that the Europeans he fought alongside in Afghanistan were less hard-working and ingenious than American soldiers because “Europe had gone socialist” and “post-Christian”; that Congress should impeach President Obama over his executive order implementing part of the DREAM Act; that the separation of church and state has led “atheism to be our national religion”; and that Congress should disband federal appeals courts that enforce church-state separation because “if you’re being biblical, you’re doing your job as a judge.”

Watch it:

Keep that in mind the next time some lazy Villager frames the right and the left of the two parties as equivalent. Unless a liberal congressional challenger starts demanding the nationalization of all business, mandatory abortion and boldly declares that all religion should be outlawed by the state, I think they've got a long way to go before they can be considered equally radical.
