Don't forget the separate water fountains

Don't forget the separate water fountains

by digby

In 2014, this is happening:
Kansas lawmakers passed a bill Tuesday that would permit businesses and government employees to deny service to same-sex couples on the basis of their religious principles. The measure passed an initial vote in the house by a significant margin, 72 votes to 42 votes. In a final vote on Wednesday, the bill succeeded 72 votes to 49 votes and will now be considered by the Republican-controlled state senate.

State lawmakers engaged in heated debate over House Bill 2453, which would allow hotels, restaurants and stores in the state to refuse to serve gay couples if “it would be contrary to their sincerely held religious beliefs.” The bill would also allow government clerks to refuse to sign same-sex marriage licenses without threat of a lawsuit.
I lived in Kansas as a kid for a while. It's filled with many good people. It's time for them to stand up and put a stop to the cretinous nonsense their political leaders keep proposing. Trying to impose Jim Crow in this day and age is almost unbelievable.
