The Christie kiss
by digby
There's something so perfect about this happening to the man who made his phony bipartisan image (an image beloved by the Villagers) by walking along beaches with Barack Obama:
Christie, as chairman of the Republican Governors Association, is scheduled to visit Fort Worth and Dallas for fundraisers Thursday, but the state's likely GOP gubernatorial nominee, Greg Abbott, won't be putting out the welcome mat. Abbott will be hundreds of miles away, giving a policy speech in Houston. Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who isn't seeking re-election, won't be around, either.
Democrats said it's another sign that Republicans are nervous about Christie's problems in New Jersey.
Larry Sabato, head of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, said the concerns may be warranted.
When Christie visited Florida three weeks ago on behalf of the Republican Governors Association, Gov. Rick Scott participated, but the two men refused to meet with reporters or pose for pictures together.
"This could be a coincidence, but it is also very convenient for Scott and Abbott. Both have their own challenges, and naturally they don't want to add Christie's challenges on top," Sabato said.
"Candidates have to think about the TV ads that could air. Here's one if they are seen chumming it up with Christie on videotape and it turns out he's not told the truth: Birds of a feather — you can tell a lot about someone by the company he keeps."
Politicians have come back from stuff like this. Nixon did. Clinton did. Maybe Christie can pull it off too. But I doubt it. Both of those pols were special in ways that Christie is not. They were really smart, for one thing. And they had a survival skill that had been demonstrated over and over again. I don't see that in Christie.
That walk on the beach with Obama turned out to be this:

Well played Mr President.