This country is just plain crazy

This country is just plain crazy

by digby

No, this is not a joke:
A blind man in Florida who was acquitted after shooting his friend to death under Florida's "stand your ground" law got his guns back on Thursday, according to WESH Orlando.
It's hard to know where to start with the absurdity.

Blind man has a gun.
Blind man shoots a friend of his with that gun.
Blind man is acquitted of killing his friend under stand your ground law which says you can shoot anyone who scares you (after all he couldn't see it was his friend.)
Blind man gets his guns back
Police confiscated both of John Wayne Rogers' guns when he was arrested for shooting a friend in the chest during a fight in his Geneva, Fla. home in March 2012. He was granted immunity after citing Florida's "stand your ground" law in January.

Rogers fought to get his weapons back in court after his acquittal.

"It's my constitutional right. I wasn't carrying these firearms around. I was in my house on a private road in Geneva out of the way," Rogers said, explaining that he needs guns for protection.

Judge John Galluzzo reluctantly ordered authorities to return Rogers both of his firearms, a 10mm Glock and a rifle, even though he said he didn't want to.

"I have to return property that was taken under the circumstance," Galluzzo said. "I have researched and haven't found case law to say otherwise."

Of course not. Wasn't it Thomas Jefferson who said that it was far better for innocent people to die than for the government to deny a blind man the right to shoot people he cannot see? Or was that George Jefferson?

