Infrastructure is for panty-waists

Infrastructure is for panty-waists

by digby

Eight people have been found dead in the smoldering rubble of two upper Manhattan buildings leveled by a gas explosion that injured more than 70 others, and rescuers are still sifting through the ruins as they search for three who remain missing.

Rescue crews brought in a backhoe and bulldozer to look for more buried victims as firefighters battled flareups in the wreckage of the two five-story buildings that collapsed Wednesday morning on 116th and Park Avenue, sending tremors as far as a mile and spewing debris for blocks.

Workers were about 40 percent to 50 percent through the rubble by Thursday night, using sound devices and putting telescopic video cameras into small voids to see if anyone was in there.
Still, I doubt anything will be done about aging infrastructure until Wall Street itself is swallowed by a sink hole.

Which could happen. Easily:
