They're baaaaack

They're baaaaack

by digby

The neocons, that is. I am watching Paul Wolfowitz on Fox right now! He's rested, he's ready, he's itching for war with Russia. He says that we can't do things in the rearview mirror with respect to Iraq --- and then he evokes the 1930s.   But then, that's nothing new. I've written a lot about Wolfowitz and company's desire to confront Russia, going all the way back .
[I]t pays to remember that the Wolfowitz/Cheney et al PNAC paper that launched Iraq originally targeted Russia long after the Soviet Union broke up. Don't be so sure they wouldn't have used this as an excuse for WWIII. They really were that crazy,:

That book "Present Dangers" was edited by Robert Kagan and cited these six "mounting threats" in the year 2000:

#1 China: The Challenge of a Rising Power
#2 Russia: The Challenge of a Failing Power
#3 Iraq: Saddam Unbound
#4 Iran: Fundamentalism and reform
#5 North Korea: Beyond Appeasement

The weren't very tuned into the global terrorism thing, but they made good use of it once it reared its ugly head. 

I've had plenty of criticisms of President Obama's national security policy, but I think we can at least breathe a sigh of relief that he doesn't have the likes of William Kristol and Robert Kagan (not to mention the thoroughly nutty Frank Gaffney and Michael Ledeen) whispering in his ear.

Yep. They sound just as crazy today as they always did. And considering their track record --- which is about 0-35 --- I think we can safely ignore them.
