Mystery meat will make you sick

Mystery meat will make you sick

by digby

Howie has a fiery post up today (I know, big surprise) condemning the Democratic party's doomed to fail "mystery meat" strategy for 2014. It's enough to make your stomach churn.

But all is not lost. There are alternative candidates who can win without the support of the DC establishment:
Standing in sharp contrast to the tongue-tied loser candidates Israel has assembled, are the candidates listed by Alternet today-- Key Progressive Politicians To Watch In the 2014 Elections. Every single one of them, though they may have to battle moron consultants trained in mystery-meatism by the DCCC, has taken on a leadership role in his or her community about the tough issues that distinguish a progressive from a conservative. These are not "ex"-Blue Dog Steve Israel's dreadful array of Blue Dogs and New Dems… these are candidates eager to seek out the media and make the case for a progressive agenda. You can find the best of the best House candidates here and the best of the best Senate candidates here. The DCCC isn't helping these men and women win in November, just like they never helped Alan Grayson, Donna Edwards, Raul Grijalva, Matt Cartwright or any good progressives who needed it. 
It's an uphill climb against the billionaires and careerists who work together to keep progressives from accessing out democratic process. But you never know, when they're not looking,  a few might just sneak in under the wire.
