An act of political suicide

An act of political suicide

by digby

Over at Salon today I take a little trip down memory lane reflecting on the conservative movement's tax crusade of the last 30 years in light of an astonishing act of political suicide by a Georgia millionaire running for the Senate:

Ed Kilgore speculates that this is a sign of Perdue's inexperience and wonders if his rivals will pounce. He's being polite. While it may be true that the Obama administration was able to reverse some of the Bush tax cuts (against the will of the GOP) he knows very well that a Republican running on raising taxes has just invited the screeching harpies of Dante's Inferno to descend upon his campaign and leave nothing behind but bleached, white bones. And so it goes:
Hear the audio for yourself...Perdue laughs about tax increases & says they're a "reality">> #gasen
— Karen Handel (@karenhandel) May 14, 2014

There is literally nothing more sacred to modern conservatism than the absolute commitment to cutting taxes. For a Republican to even slightly suggest raising them in any context whatsoever is like declaring that God is dead. 

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