It brought tears to Emptywheel's eyes

It brought tears to Emptywheel's eyes

by digby

I caught this story about "Emperor Keith" Alexander's cashing in last night and wasn't entirely surprised. That's what they all do.   But, like Emptywheel, I was a bit surprised about this. She writes:
But the part of this story that even I couldn’t have predicted — but makes so much sense it brings tears to my eyes — is that he’s shacking up with Promontory Financial Group, the revolving door regulator to hire that has been caught underestimating its clients’ crimes for big money.

Alexander will lease office space from the global consulting firm Promontory Financial Group, which confirmed in a statement on Thursday that it plans to partner with him on cybersecurity matters.
“He and a firm he’s forming will work on the technical aspects of these issues, and we on the risk-management compliance and governance elements,” said Promontory spokesman Chris Winans.
That really takes some cojones. I'm sure he'll be worth every single million they pay him. After all, their job is to hide the crimes of their clients.  I'm quite sure Emperor Keith knows exactly how to get that done --- what with all his knowledge of the "technical aspects of these issues." He's a patriot though so everybody can feel fully confident that he would never do anything untoward.
