Treating service workers with dignity

Treating service workers with dignity

by digby

This piece about how rich people treat their house cleaners rang very true to me. I've never been able to figure out why it is that so many people with money are such tightwads when it comes to paying for services when they throw it away without thought on disposable material goods. It should be the opposite.

Many years ago I worked as a hotel maid. And the experience taught me a lot --- I can't even tell you how revolting some people are. I'm a naturally messy person myself but I realized that something terrible happens to some folks who know that someone is going to clean up after them. (The article linked above discusses some of the gross behaviors people exhibit --- which I also experienced, much to my horror.)

Be a decent human being: when you stay in a hotel straighten up before you leave. You don't have to make the bed, but put your trash in the trash can, put your towels in a pile, think about the person who has to clean up after you and imagine how you'd feel if you had to deal with whatever you might be tempted to leave behind. And leave tip, especially if the room's a mess. It's just good manners, basically.
