And the deficit is just like a death camp ...

And the deficit is just like a death camp ...

by digby
If you thought that History Channel WWII documentary a couple of weeks ago was a teensy bit slanted toward the right, what with all the right wing commenters and all, get a load of this:
“The people of Germany in a free election selected the Nazi party because they made great promises that appealed to them because they were desperate and destitute. And why is that? Because Germany was bankrupt...The truth is, 70 years later, we are drifting on the tides toward another beachhead and it is the bankruptcy of the United States of America.

Over the next several years, every time a program began to fall apart, Mr. Hitler’s party was very, very good at dividing Germany by pointing to this group or that group. First they went after their political opponents. Then they went after the aristocrats. Then they went after the trade unionists. And ultimately of course they went after the Jews. They deprived them of their property, their rights, their citizenship, and for millions their humanity. Because they were bankrupt!”

Needless to say, it's all the tax and spend liberals' fault because they're so divisive. Just like Hitler.

By the way, that was Richard Mourdock, Indiana's finest Tea Party candidate in 2012, at the state Republican convention.
