Benghazi and the Right's post-effort media operation, by @DavidOAtkins

Benghazi is a distraction from Benghazi

by David Atkins

So, this happened:

Squirrel! #Benghazi suspect conveniently captured to deflect attention from all the other nightmares #tcot

— Allen West (@AllenWest) June 17, 2014

After months and months of fake investigations and fake outrage over Benghazi, the mastermind (if you call him that) responsible for the attack is in custody after an efficient and professional military operation.

Remember that every single issue since then has been called a "distraction from Benghazi."

So the reaction from the Right to the capture? It's a "distraction."

A distraction Hillary Clinton's book tour. No, really.

Also, it's the only Benghazi story that Fox News doesn't think is a bombshell.

I will say this for the Bush-Cheney-Rove operation: they did seem to have a crack media team that actually gave a damn. These people just don't. It's not the post-truth media environment. It's the post-effort media environment.

They know their base is lazy and completely uninformed, they know they've lost what little is left of the middle, and they've stopped caring what kind of slop gets thrown at the rubes. If the rubes are dumb enough to believe that oil company spokespeople know more about climate change than climate scientists, they'll believe that capturing the Benghazi mastermind was orchestrated to promote Hillary's book tour. Why not?
