Gun grabbers insist that you buy all your deadly weapons in your own name. The humanity.

Gun grabbers insist that you buy your deadly weapons in your own name

by digby

Here's one to make the Bundy militia lose its grip:

The Supreme Court says federal law does not allow a "straw" purchaser to buy a gun for someone else, even if both are legally eligible to own firearms.

The justices ruled Monday that the federal background check law applied to Bruce James Abramski, Jr. when he bought a Glock 19 handgun in Collinsville, Virginia, in 2009 and later transferred it to his uncle in Easton, Pennsylvania.

Federal officials brought charges against Abramski because he assured the Virginia dealer he was the actual buyer of the weapon, even though he had already agreed to buy the gun for his uncle.

I think this court has some splainin' to do to the NRA and the ghosts of the Founding Fathers. If the 2nd Amendment is a guarantee of your unfettered right to bear arms in the same way the 1st Amendment is a guarantee of a corporation's right to spend money then this doesn't follow does it? If making gun buyers buy their own guns isn't an infringement of their God-given liberty, I don't know what is. The constitution clearly meant for guns to be traded and passed around like trading cards. And I think it's in the Bible too.

Of course, the ruling was 5-4 with the commie-lib Hitler loving gun grabbers (plus Kennedy) in the majority so it really doesn't count. Nothing a few more wingnuts on the court can't fix.
