Laura Ingraham's crusade against (immigrant) children --- except her own, of course.

Laura Ingraham's crusade against (immigrant) children --- except her own, of course.

by digby

I wrote about the good Catholic Laura Ingraham's latest xenophobic rantings over at Salon this morning and the trolls are out in force. (Apparently, unaccompanied immigrant children should go back where they came from.)
[W]e have the leading crusader against “illegal immigration,” ABC’s newest star Laura Ingraham, calling this humanitarian crisis an “invasion facilitated by our own government.” She blamed a number of politicians of both parties, all of whom, aside from Obama and the hated “mavericks” McCain and Graham, either had Hispanic or Jewish last names. She then said she was going down to Eric Cantor’s district to campaign against him with the message:
“Oh no you won’t. This is our country… Our borders matter to us. Our way of life and our culture matter to us. Our jobs and our wages matter to us. No you won’t.”
This is because little children are going to ruin our culture and our way of life and take our jobs. Indeed, the government is “trafficking illegal immigrants from one part of the country to another part of the country to further erode American wages and further forward their goal of ultimate amnesty and changing the electoral and cultural landscape of the United States forever.” (That’s one of her hobbyhorses, along with accomplice Ann Coulter, who insists that immigrants must be stopped not only because they’ll trash the place but because they’re going to vote Democratic. Fraudulently, of course.
She's really awful on immigrants as are most of the hate radio stars and the wingnut commentators. One hopes it's the dying embers of their intolerant movement, but that's probably a vain hope. When you listen to Ingraham and her ilk talk about this there is no doubt that they are true believers. If this hatred is ebbing away it's going to take a few more generations to work itself out of the body politic.