The maverick bein' mavericky to the max

The maverick bein' mavericky to the max

by digby

Chris Hayes took McCain downtown:

I only wish that being inconsistent and hypocritical --- even incoherent --- actually made a difference in these political battles.

For those who haven't been playing along the last 30 years or so, this is how Republicans do "national security" politics. Shocking, I know, but they haven't been transformed into Rand Paul isolationists because they finally realized that  it costs too much blood and treasure to be the world's policemen. For most conservatives that was an emotional way station for them to distance themselves from the embarrassment that was George Bush. Now that they can claim Obama prematurely bugging out of Iraq precipitated a crisis (all of which is a lie) they will be happy to wrap themselves in the flag and hug the military to their breasts and take up the mantle of True Patriotic Americans once again. The hate Big Government but they love the Empire.
