Who are the real terrorists? Gay couples naturally.

Who are the real terrorists? Gay couples naturally.

by digby

My morning piece at Salon highlights a very badly timed Townhall post about the domestic terrorist threat in America. No, it's not right wing gun nuts like those two in Las Vegas last week-end. It's an "armed and dangerous" group of radicals called "the LGBT"
Imagine the sheer terror of the poor baker when confronted with a live subpoena. Try to calculate the horror of a florist being forced to defend his belief that the happiest day of these people’s lives is an act of violence. I don’t know how they’re going to find the strength.

This writer homes in on the true nature of this terrorist threat:
Make no mistake about the LGBT intentions. No longer content to ‘fit in’ or simply be ‘accepted’ by others for living an odd lifestyle, today they are out to castrate the minds and hearts of others into supporting their deviant faith – or crush those who might oppose their ranting into oblivion. As per the LGBT website, their goal is “… to seek to change the hearts and minds of Americans to ‘equality’ …” – unless you happen to be an American who doesn’t want to be brainwashed.

You see, these violent terrorists are seeking to castrate people. Or do something to some part of their body, at least, although it’s hard to picture exactly how that works.( It must be some gay thing …) But basically it comes down to a very special terrorist tool: brainwashing people against their will, also known as “seeking to change the hearts and minds of Americans” — and then crushing everyone who doesn’t succumb into oblivion, naturally. They’re terrorists, after all, armed with dangerous LGBT stealth weapons of persuasion.

Read on. They've infiltrated Big Gummint too.
