Your "right to bear arms" was ratified all the way back in .... 2008. In a 5-4 decision.

Your "right to bear arms" was ratified all the way back in .... 2008. In a 5-4 decision.

by digby

I wrote about the so-called "fundamental" right to bear arms at Salon this morning. The history is, unsurprisingly, a little more complicated than the gun proliferation activists let on:

So, what happened? Well, the NRA happened. Or more specifically, a change in leadership in the NRA happened. After all, the NRA had long been a benign sportsman’s organization devoted to hunting and gun safety. It wasn’t until 1977, that a group of radicals led by activists from the Second Amendment Foundation and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms took control and changed the direction of the group to one dedicated to making the Second Amendment into a “fundamental right.”

What had been a fringe ideology was then systematically mainstreamed by the NRA, a program that prompted the retired arch conservative Chief Justice Warren Burger to say that the Second Amendment:

“Has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word ‘fraud,’ on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime”
