Rush on Robin Williams: Palinesque word salad

Rush on Robin Williams

by digby

What a piece of work. If you can figure out what in the hell this ridiculous gasbag is going on about you're a better person than I am:

RUSH: So our last caller from Des Plaines, Illinois, wanted to know, "What is the politics in the coverage of the suicide of Robin Williams?" Well, I believe there is some. But I don't think that the politics is driving it. I think there was, on the part of media and Hollywood, genuine affection for the guy that is driving it, but there is politics. If you notice the coverage is focused on how much he had, but it wasn't enough.

"He had everything, everything that you would think would make you happy. But it didn't." Now, what is the left's worldview in general? What is it? If you had to attach not a philosophy but an attitude to a leftist worldview, it's one of pessimism and darkness, sadness. They're never happy, are they? They're always angry about something. No matter what they get, they're always angry.

They are animated in large part by the false promises of America, because the promises of America are not for everyone, as we see each and every day. I mean, right here there's a story Fox News website. Do you know, it says right here, that the real reasons that Robin Williams killed himself are he was embarrassed at having to take television roles after a sterling movie career.

He had to take movie roles that were beneath him, sequels and so forth, and he finally had to do television just to get a paycheck because he was in so much financial distress. He'd had some divorces that ripped up his net worth, and he had a big ranch in Napa that he couldn't afford any longer and had to put up for sale, and a house in Tiburon that he couldn't afford anymore. This is all what's in the Fox News story.

He had it all, but he had nothing. He made everybody else laugh but was miserable inside. I mean, it fits a certain picture, or a certain image that the left has. Talk about low expectations and general unhappiness and so forth.
Well, that is a constant measurement that is made by political leftists in judging the country. It's outcome-based education: 2 + 2 = 5. "That's fine until the student learns it's 4. We're not gonna humiliate the student by pointing out that he's wrong. If he figures it out, cool. We're gonna take the fast learners and we're gonna slow them down so that they don't humiliate the kids that don't learn as fast as they do. It's just not fair."

So the bottom line here is it's reported that he died, which is true, but he actually committed suicide. I just really hope that this coverage does not spawn copycats, because the coverage is fawning and glorious, and positive. You have so many people on social media who so desperately want fame. You know it and I know it.

People are voluntarily telling everybody every detail about themselves, casting every aspect of their privacy aside just because they want fame. They want to be noticed. They all want to be on TV. There's a lot of fame and the media's doing every story about this is a story of greatness -- unparalleled, unequaled, unique greatness.

I mean, everybody would love to be spoken of the way the media's speaking of Robin Williams today and last night, and I really hope -- 'cause there's some very fragile people out there -- people don't try to emulate or get this kind of notoriety for themselves by doing the same thing.

He's either been taking Palin lessons, popping little blue babies again or he doesn't have a fucking clue what he's talking about. To make Williams' depression and death about leftist perfidy is a bigger reach than even he can accomplish.

I do love the idea that he gives a damn about the poor "fragile people" who will be compelled to kill themselves. He's very sensitive ...
