What a bunch of spoiled whiners

What a bunch of spoiled whiners

by digby

I can sort of see why why people are unhappy when the passenger in front of them reclines their seat but the rest of this seems like a people who don't understand that the world doesn't revolve around them:

Wow, 37% of people think it's rude to wake someone up on a plane so you can go to the bathroom? What the hell are you supposed to do? And if someone needs to stretch because they've been folded up like an origami swan for two hours, it seem only human to wake up for 10 seconds to let them pass.  Your seat isn't a hotel room. (It'll give you a chance to wipe the drool off your chin anyway.) And yes, people have children. Children are not robots and they will act badly in public sometimes. (In fact, I'd just bet that most of the people who are complaining were terrible brats...)

I hate plane travel as much as the next guy but it is what it is --- a ride in a sardine can to get you to another place as quickly as possible. Suck it up people  --- you have to share that sardine can with others.  Sometimes we need to go to the bathroom or stretch or just want to pass the time chatting to a seat mate. It's called being part of the human race.
