Blue America vs Sheldon Adelson

Blue America vs Sheldon Adelson

by digby

So Sheldon Adelson came into my congressional district in the last couple of weeks and spewed some anti-Muslim vomit all over the race to succeed Henry Waxman.  I'm not sure what he hoped to achieve but I doubt he will succeed in painting Ted Lieu as a terrorist symp.

Blue America doesn't have Adelson billions.  But we do what we can.  So we took out a full page ad in the LA Times today, highlighting the fact that the Westside of LA is lucky to have such a staunch liberal leader to send to congress. I don't think Adelson can beat this record with a bunch of bigoted swill:

If you happen to be in or near the district you can help get out the vote by going here.

We'd like to run another get out the vote ad on the day before the election if we can. If you can help us do that you can contribute here.
