The No Labels Dream

The No Labels Dream

by digby

According to Jim Newell,  the centrist bucket of lukewarm spit known as No Labels is putting money into Cory Gardner's campaign to unseat Mark Udall because Udall has been running a negative campaign.  This in spite of the fact that Cory Gardner is either a moron who voted for "Personhood" for blastocysts without knowing that it is an extremist policy designed to ban all abortion and many forms of birth control --- or he's a lying creep who believes that we should ban all abortion and many forms of birth control.  (Either that, or No Labels are also a bunch of lying creeps who are happy to ban abortion and many forms of birth control as a way of finding "common ground" with right wing extremists.) Whatever. Cory Gardner is an unreconstructed wingnut who has changed his spots so that he can get elected to the Senate in a swing state.  Nothing new about that.  But let's not pretend he isn't doing what we all know he's doing.

Meanwhile, let's take a look at one of his campaign ads, shall we?

I guess that's considered a positive ad in No Labels terms.

No Labels is a centrist outfit that believes the best of all possible worlds is a GOP congress and a mealy mouthed Democratic president who will sign every piece of shitty conservative legislation out there on behalf of the wealthy elites of this country.  (Barring that, they're happy to have a GOP congress and a GOP president --- it's just not quite a neat because they can't pat themselves on the back for their bipartisanship.) We may be about to see whether President Obama will fulfill their dream for them.  God help us if he does.
