They've got a prince, a couple of doctors and a bunch of governors. Guess what's missing? #GOPfield #notforlong

They've got a prince a couple of doctors and a bunch of governors. Guess what's missing?

by digby

I wrote about latest exciting entrant in the Republican presidential race over at Salon:

So last week Jeb Bush put on a hat in anticipation of some point soon throwing it into the presidential ring. Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are bickering like Archie and Edith Bunker over Cuba and what the word "isolationist" means. (Paul is very pleased with his Eddie Haskelesque move to tag Rubio with the hated moniker.) Chris Christie glumly walked around with President Obama again trying desperately not to appear as if he likes it. Scott Walker is bbusily trying to figure out how to use the auto-correct on his phoneRick Perry is sporting some very sharp new costumes. Ben Carson is rewriting the constitution. Mike Huckabee is milking his million dollar payday for as long as he can while Bobby Jindal desperately tries to get somebody, somewhere, to pay attention to him. The Republican presidential candidates come from every corner of the country and represent a variety of different GOP constituencies. They have governors and senators and TV personalities. They even have two medical doctors!

But for all that talent and diversity something has been missing.Hmmm, let me think. What could it be? Oh right. They forgot to include a woman. Ooops.

But it looks as though that's about to be rectified:

Carly Fiorina is laying the groundwork for what one ally says is an "imminent" presidential campaign—one that could launch as early as next month.
Feel the magic. You can read more about why she's running here. Her role is going to be very specific.

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