Who are the ones picking the scab? #Fergusonpolice

Who are the ones picking the scab?

by digby

The Ferguson police are all up in arms at the St Louis Rams for not punishing their players for exercising their first amendment rights.  They say that the tram is just "picking the scab" of the Michael brown tragedy and won't let it heal.

Police are investigating Michael Brown's stepfather for his actions in the hours after a grand jury determined that the officer who fatally shot Brown would not be charged, Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said Tuesday.

CNN reports that police are trying to determine whether Brown's stepfather, Louis Head, was attempting to incite a riot on Nov. 24 when he screamed "Burn this ---- down" to a crowd of protesters after St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch announced the grand jury's decision.

Jackson also told Fox News that charges against Head are possible.

"We are pursuing those comments, and there is a lot of discussion going on about that right now," Jackson told Sean Hannity. "But I really can't get into that right now."

"Picking the scab" is this constant whining and blubbering about not being given enough respect by an allegedly professional police department. "Picking the scab" is pursuing the stepfather of the unarmed teenager your cop killed because of something he said in the emotional moments after he heard that the cop who did it will not be charged for anything.

It's perfectly fine for the police to pursue looters and arsonists. Those are clear cut crimes. But "incitement"? Maybe they ought to take a look at the prosecutor McCullough and ask him why he decided to give a defense summation for half an hour on television in the middle of the night. It sure did seem like someone was looking to create some trouble and that it was the man in the suit defending his cops like he was Perry Mason.
