Arkansas Project Part Two?

Arkansas Project Part Two?

by digby

Mike Allen's playbook leads to day with this exciting news:

You know the RNC must have unlimited funds because there's really no need to spend a penny to send researchers to Arkansas. They could just hire an intern to read the approximately 12,792 books that have been written about the Clintons in Arkansas.

Everyone tells me that nothing that's ever been said about Bill and Hillary Clinton in the past will have even the slightest effect on the upcoming election. It's old news and no one cares. But I have to wonder if there aren't some young people who haven't heard the details and some old people who would love to hear it all over again. Perhaps there aren't many of them in which case this stuff will land with a dud. But it sure was exciting to the press corps the first time around. And Politico, at least, seems like they're getting a little bit stimulated at the prospect already.

If any of you folks who were out of the country, in elementary school, or in a coma during the 90s and don't know these details, there is one book you should read: The Hunting of the President: The Ten-Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton. It tells you everything you need to know about the so-called Clinton Scandals and how the press finally earned the contempt of just about everyone in the nation.
