QOTD: Wingnut hysterics

QOTD: Wingnut hysterics

by digby

I've got your freedom loving, anti-government tyranny patriots for you right here:

On a long and interminable “Outnumbered” segment, Fox News’ Eric Bolling used the opportunity to display his obscenely short memory, arguing that Charlie Hebdo is an argument that we should over-militarize our cops. As he puts it: “There’s been a very serious push from the left saying ‘let’s not over-militarise our cops.’ That [the Hebdo massacre] should put an end to that discussion. We should over-militarize.”

We are being hunted,” co-host Harris Faulkner adds, while, host Lisa Kennedy Montgomery suggests “the best thing that Americans can do is arm themselves.”

Shannon Bream takes the time to point out that it can be difficult to identify bad guys sometimes when they don’t “look like” bad guys: ”That’s my question about these guys. If we know they were speaking unaccented French and they had ski masks on, do we even know what color they were, what the tone of their skin was? I mean, what if they didn’t look like typical bad guys?”

Yeah, getting hysterical in the face of terrorism is certain to preserve our freedom. Or some people's freedom anyway. Just don't be so sure yours will be among them.

Martha MacCallum and her guest Michael Goodwin take the opportunity to criticize De Blasio and Police chief Bill Bratton and to defend racial profiling and Mosque surveillance in New York. Per MacCallum, the NYPD being cautionary and defensive instead of aggressive would be “exactly what these kind of terrorists would love to see happen across the country because it makes things much softer for them.”

On “America’s Newsroom,” Ralph Peters points to the recent torture report, saying “these terrorists who did this monstrous attack in Paris are the people Senator Feinstein doesn’t even want to waterboard.”

The attack yesterday was certainly an attack on Western values. But don't kid yourself that in "protecting" America from such attacks people like these and leaders like Lindsay Graham and others will not do everything in their power to finish the job for them.

This sure makes me proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free.
