Scary political chart of the day
by digby
Good lord:

In the past three elections, Republicans have gained 913 state legislative seats, according to calculations made by Larry Sabato at the University of Virginia. Here are Sabato's figures in chart form -- and with historical comparisons -- via GOP lobbyist Bruce Mehlman.
Now, there are more 7,000 state legislative seats in the country, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, which makes that 913 number slightly less eye-popping. Still, the Democratic losses between 2010 and 2014 amount to 12 percent of all state legislative seats nationwide.
As NCSL notes, Republicans now control more than 4,100 seats -- their highest number since 1920. After taking over 11 legislative chambers from Democrats in 2014, Republicans now control 30 state legislatures completely -- and have full control of state government (state legislature and governorship) in 23 states. Democrats, by contrast, have full control of 11 state legislatures and total control of state government in just seven states. (Click here for an amazing NCSL chart that details which side controls every state legislature.)
Maybe this is a reflection of the fact that the Democratic base is substantially younger and hasn't yet entered electoral politics? Redistricting that benefits Republicans on the state level as much as it does on the national level?
I don't know. But it's a problem for regular folks trying to live their lives. These modern Republicans are nuts. Of course, that's one reason I don't worry as much as some that they will be a huge threat going forward. The nuttiest of them probably won't last and he pendulum wil swing a bit back. But still, it's startling. And worrisome.