That'll teach us

That'll teach us

by digby

Matt Bors on the NYPD slowdown:

You have to read this extended whine from a NYPD cop to get a true sense of just how hurt and upset they are:
The gestures of protest by many officers toward Mayor Bill de Blasio — including turning their backs to him when he appeared at both officers’ funerals — have been characterized in some quarters as squandering the credibility of the department and reeking of self-pity.

When I hear this sort of thing, my blood pressure goes through the roof. Mr. de Blasio is more than any other public figure in this city responsible for feelings of demoralization among the police. It did not help to tell the world about instructing his son, Dante, who is biracial, to be wary of the police, or to publicly signal support of anti-police protesters (for instance, by standing alongside the Rev. Al Sharpton, a staunch backer of the protests). If there is any self-pity involved, which I doubt, it is only because we lack respect from our elected officials and parts of the media. It has taken two dead cops for some people to take a step back and realize what a difficult job cops have...

[de Blasio] should have been acknowledging our accomplishments months ago, instead of aligning himself with grandstanding opportunists. His words and actions before the killings of Officers Liu and Ramos showed a contempt for the police all too common on the left, and it is this contempt that the officers who have turned their backs to him are responding to.

Yes, there is self-pity involved. Obviously.

He does complain about being overworked from all the "broken windows" stuff and thinks it should be stopped but because the mayor is an icky old lefty, he can't be the one to do it.

If this NYPD officer is typical it means they believe that people should not be allowed to protest the police, the mayor must not associate with anyone who offends the police and the police are not to be questioned because they have hard jobs and everyone must respect them. In other words, they run the place.
