Huckleberry's tweets

Huckleberry's tweets

by digby

He doesn't use email because:

“What I do, basically, is that I’ve got iPads, and I play around,” Graham explained. “But I don’t e-mail. I’ve tried not to have a system where I can just say the first dumb thing that comes to my mind. I’ve always been concerned. I can get texts, and I call you back, if I want. I get a text, and I respond not by sending you a text, but calling you if I think what you asked is worthy enough for me calling you. I’m not being arrogant, but I’m trying to jealously guard myself in terms of being able to think through problems and not engage in chat all day. I’ve had a chance to kind of carve out some time for myself not responding to every 15-second crisis.”
See, people who use that crazy newfangled email thing are thoughtless fools who just throw out the first thing that leaps to their minds.

Unlike Graham who tweets constantly and throws out stuff like this and then deletes it:

Very thoughtful. Here's a thoughtful one he didn't delete:

President Obama says he wants to destroy ISIL but I don’t think anyone believes him. His actions are not consistent with his statements.
— Lindsey Graham (@GrahamBlog) February 12, 2015

Or these:

This latest episode once again shows that under President Obama’s leadership it is better to be America’s enemy than her friend. #Ukraine
— Lindsey Graham (@GrahamBlog) February 9, 2015

President Obama’s continual weakness in the face of aggression is making the world a more dangerous place.
— Lindsey Graham (@GrahamBlog) February 9, 2015

That doesn't include the shrieking about how everyone is coming to kill us all in our beds. And I do mean everyone --- Iran, ISIL, North Korea, Russia, China, al Qaeda, Boko Haram and more. Every last one of them are planning to invade  "the Homeland" and KILL US ALL!!!!

The stuff he routinely puts out in public is so hysterical and silly, I honestly cannot imagine what it is he's afraid will get out unless he has a weird compulsion to admit to being a huge fan of Taylor Swift or is afraid that his grocery store list will reveal that he eats an unhealthy amount of Cherry Garcia.