For those who think the modern "thug" thing came straight outta Compton

For those who think the modern "thug" thing came straight outta Compton

by digby

Uhm, no:

@TheAmitie @bernardtrafford cartoons can be very illuminating as to what some people were thinking at the time
— Colfe's History Dept (@COLFEShistory) May 2, 2015

Keep this in mind when you hear right wingers go on about MLK as a conservative hero They certainly didn't think so at the time:

Funny that this was written about MLK when people say the same about most civil rights leaders today
— stoopy poopy (@TheAmitie) May 1, 2015

"How can you, a minister of the gospel,be such a deceitful hypocrite. You're not fooling anyone but yourself in your nauseating talk of non-violence. You demand a program to overcome poverty and "blow in" untold amounts in your high living and running around the globe to feed your own egotism. "
