Squaring The Circular Firing Squad by tristero

Squaring The Circular Firing Squad 

by tristero

After 2000, many folks learned the obvious, that a country headed by Gore would be vastly preferable than one led by Bush, i.e., that maybe the perfect really is the enemy of the good. But even today,   liberals and the left are still quite adept at the circular firing squad (see Hebdo, Charlie, and PEN). So it makes sense for the Kochians to bait us with anti-Clinton stuff.

Here's one liberal's attitude towards 2016, in three easy steps:

1. I took a solemn vow not to vote for anyone who voted for Bush's Iraq war resolution. I have every intention of keeping that vow.

2. Therefore, if Hillary Clinton wins the nomination and it looks very, very likely she will win the presidency, I will not vote for her.

3. BUT, if it looks like the election's going to be close and a member of the clown club stands a good chance of winning, then I will enthusiastically vote for Hillary Clinton and actively encourage everyone I know to do so.

After all, I'm not crazy. This world simply can't afford a Bush, or Rubio, or Santorum, or Huckabee, or Paul, or, or, or...
